Hi Vitaly,

Please see this post 
<https://groups.google.com/g/grpc-io/c/0yGihF-EFQo/m/1XsLZpKsAgAJ> if you 
are planning to use gRPCLB. gRPC has moved away from gRPCLB protocol. 
Instead, gRPC is adopting xDS protocol. A number of xDS features 
including round robin LB, are already supported in gRPC. This project 
<https://github.com/asishrs/proxyless-grpc-lb> might be useful to you but I 
think it is blocked on this issue 
<https://github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/issues/349>. This 
<https://github.com/salrashid123/grpc_xds> project might be useful too.

On Friday, February 19, 2021 at 3:47:22 PM UTC-8 vitaly....@gmail.com wrote:

> Thanks Srini,
> I haven't tested option 2 yet, I would expect though that since client is 
> unaware of what is happening we should see some request failures/latency 
> spikes until new connection is established. That's why I would consider it 
> mostly for disaster prevention rather than for general connection balancing.
> I'm actually now more interested in exploring option 4 as it looks like we 
> can achieve safe setup if we keep proxy in front of servers and expose a 
> separate proxy port for each server.
> Can someone recommend a good opensource grpclb implementation? I've found 
> bsm/grpclb <https://github.com/bsm/grpclb> which looks reasonable but 
> wasn't sure if there is anything else available.
> On Friday, February 19, 2021 at 12:50:17 PM UTC-8 Srini Polavarapu wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Option 3 is ideal but since you don't have that as well as option 4 
>> available, option 2 is worth exploring. Are the concerns with options 2 
>> based on some experiments you have done or is it just a hunch? This 
>> comment 
>> <https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/12295#issuecomment-650364080> has 
>> some relevant info that you could use.  
>> On Thursday, February 18, 2021 at 7:06:37 PM UTC-8 vitaly....@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> Hey folks,
>>> I'm trying to solve a problem of even load (or at least connection) 
>>> distribution between  grpc clients and our backend servers.
>>> First of all let me describe our setup:
>>> We are using network load balancing (L4) in front of our grpc servers.
>>> Clients will see one endpoint (LB) and connect to it. This means that 
>>> standard client-side load balancing features like round robing wouldn't 
>>> work as there will only be one sub-channel for client-server communication.
>>> One issue with this approach can be demonstrated by the following 
>>> example:
>>> Let's say we have 2 servers running and 20 clients connect to them. At 
>>> the beginning, since we go through the network load balancer, connections 
>>> will be distributed evenly (or close to that), so we'll roughly have 50% of 
>>> connections to each server. Now let's assume these servers reboot one after 
>>> another, like in a deployment. What would happen is that server that comes 
>>> up first would get all 20 worker connections and server that comes up later 
>>> would have zero. This situation won't change unless client or server would 
>>> drop a connection periodically or more clients request connections.
>>> I've considered a few options for solving this:
>>> 1. Connection management on the client side - do something to reset the 
>>> channel (like [enterIdle](
>>> https://grpc.github.io/grpc-java/javadoc/io/grpc/ManagedChannel.html#enterIdle)
>>> in grpc-java). Downside - it seems that this feature has been developed for 
>>> android and I can't find similar functionality in grpc-go.
>>> 2. Connection management on the server side - drop connections 
>>> periodically on the server. Downside - this approach looks less graceful 
>>> than the client side one and may impact request latency and result in 
>>> request failures on the client side.
>>> 3. Use request based grpc-aware L7 LB, this way client would connect to 
>>> the LB, which would fan out requests to the servers. Downside - I've been 
>>> told by our infra guys that it is hard to implement in our setup due to the 
>>> way we use TLS and manage certificates.
>>> 4. Expose our servers outside and use grpc-lb or client side load 
>>> balancing. Downside - it seems less secure and would make it harder to 
>>> protect against DDoS attacks if we go this route. I think this downside 
>>> makes this approach unviable.
>>> My bias is towards going with option 3 and doing request based load 
>>> balancing because it allows much more fine grained control based on load, 
>>> but since our infra can not support it at the moment, I might be forced to 
>>> use option 1 or 2 in the short to mid term. Option 2 I like the least, as 
>>> it might result in latency spikes and errors on the client side.
>>> My questions are:
>>> 1. Which approach is generally preferable? 
>>> 2. Are there other options to consider?
>>> 3. Is it possible to influence grpc channel state in grpc-go, which 
>>> would trigger resolver and balancer to establish a new connection similar 
>>> to what enterIdle does in java? From what I see in the [clientconn.go](
>>> https://github.com/grpc/grpc-go/blob/master/clientconn.go) there is no 
>>> option to change the channel state to idle or trigger a reconnect in some 
>>> other way.
>>> 4. Is there a way to implement server side connection management cleanly 
>>> without impacting client-side severely?
>>> Here are links that I find useful for some context:
>>> grpc/load-balancing.md at master · grpc/grpc 
>>> <https://www.google.com/url?q=https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/doc/load-balancing.md&sa=D&source=calendar&ust=1614134668829000&usg=AOvVaw21tfy7_lvaEmuQ_VRla1tY>
>>> proposal/A9-server-side-conn-mgt.md at master · grpc/proposal 
>>> <https://www.google.com/url?q=https://github.com/grpc/proposal/blob/master/A9-server-side-conn-mgt.md&sa=D&source=calendar&ust=1614134668829000&usg=AOvVaw3CEasUxdbyoBhDZoX9oYB3>
>>> proposal/A8-client-side-keepalive.md at master · grpc/proposal 
>>> <https://www.google.com/url?q=https://github.com/grpc/proposal/blob/master/A8-client-side-keepalive.md&sa=D&source=calendar&ust=1614134668829000&usg=AOvVaw2EuL2EScC-WhnwJStxikI4>
>>> grpc/keepalive.md at master · grpc/grpc 
>>> <https://www.google.com/url?q=https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/doc/keepalive.md&sa=D&source=calendar&ust=1614134668829000&usg=AOvVaw1T5WVe-QM5uc6UzblVzhKp>
>>> Sorry for the long read,
>>> Vitaly

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