
I'm trying to generate the code in python with grpc_tools, but it doesn't 
recognize the import. I want to import it so that the API will also be 
available as restful API.
Is there a python package that will support it?

My proto file is:

syntax = "proto3";

import "google/api/annotations.proto";

service JobOccupations {
rpc GetAllJobOccupations(AllJobOccupationsRequest) returns 
(AllJobOccupationsResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/jobOccupations"

message AllJobOccupationsRequest {}

message AllJobOccupationsResponse {
repeated JobOccupation jobOccupation = 1;

message JobOccupation {
string description = 1;
float salary = 2;
float demand_percentage = 3;
float average_working_hours = 4;


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