gRPC Java 1.41.0 is released and is available on Maven Central.

API Changes

   - stub: Mark Stub-based MetadataUtils methods deprecated (#8395
   <>). The interceptor-based
   versions have been stable for a long time and are preferred

Bug Fixes

   - census: Fixed a data race in CensusStatsModule which in rare cases may
   cause NullPointerException (#8459
   - xds: Fixed a bug in SharedCallCounterMap which in rare cases may cause
   NullPointerException (#8397
   - core: ServerCall.isCancelled() and
   ServerCallStreamObserver.isCancelled() implementations no longer
   incorrectly return true at the end of every RPC (#8408
   - core: ManagedChannel no longer immediately exits idle mode after an
   enterIdle() call when it has any calls in progress
   - netty-shaded: Modify the shading operation to transform native-image
   resources so they correctly reference shaded class names (#7540
   - netty-shaded: Rename native-image resources to avoid collisions with
   Netty’s copy, which were modified starting in 1.39.0
   - rls: avoid NullPointerException in RLS in certain circumstances when
   calling channel.getState(true) or if a parent load balancer requests a
   connection (#8379 <>)

New Features

   - xds: xDS-based TLS security (gRFC 29) is now stable
   - util: Added new classes AdvancedTlsX509TrustManager and
   AdvancedTlsX509KeyManager, which support reloading keys and trust roots as
   they change. They also can make custom verification easier by handling the
   hostname verification. (#8175
   - xds: Added XdsNameResolverProvider.createForTest() to allow using a
   different bootstrap configuration in tests (#8358

Behavior Changes

   - rls: migrated the deprecated server and path fields in
   RouteLookupRequest to using the new extra_keys field in RLS config


   - api: Document that NameResolvers shouldn’t block within their methods (
   #8398 <>). The offload
   executor should be used for blocking operations
   - stub: Document StreamObserver is an async API, and how it internally
   may buffer (#8449 <>)


   - Upgraded error_prone_annotations to 2.9.0
   - cronet: Cronet upgraded to version 92.4515.131

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