I have attempted all I can to send and receive arbitrary data using 
`google.protobuf.Struct` from NodeJS all to no success. 

I am using the official `@grpc/grpc-js` npm package for all my needs.

Below is my proto file:

    message WorkSpaceRequest{
        google.protobuf.Struct body=1;

    message WorkSpaceResponse{
        google.protobuf.Struct workspace=1;

Here is how I sent out the request from a NodeJS Client

       function findById(id) {
          client?.findById({ body: {id:xxxxxx} }, (err, response) => {
               if (err) {
               let workspace=response.workspace; 
              //Below is the response that keeps coming back
                  "fields": {}

Here is my rpc implementation function:

        function findById(call, callback) {
          let {id} = call.request.body; //Id always comes in as undefined 
even though it has a value to it.
          let sampleWorkspaceSpace = {
            "name": "Sample Workspace Name",
            "id": "Sample Workspace Id"
        callback(null, { workspace: sampleWorkspaceSpace  });

What could I be doing wrong?

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