Hi GRPC team,

I tried to use grpc C++ with the package version Pkggrpc_cpp_1_29_1377_125. 
It is a simple "sayhello" implementation, and both the grpc client and grpc 
server are running on different services of the same node. 

The problem is that I found the sayhello request spent more than 2 seconds 
to complete. Which is far more than what I expected according to the 
benchmarking <https://grafana-dot-grpc-testing.appspot.com/?orgId=1>.

Here's part of my code.
SayHello(__in REQUEST* helloRequest, __inout RESPONSE* helloResponse)
    std::shared_ptr<grpc::Channel> channel =
, grpc::InsecureChannelCredentials());
    std::unique_ptr<App_QADDisk::Stub> stub_(App_QADDisk::NewStub(channel));


    // The actual RPC.
    *RD_TRACE_LOG((RD_TRACE_INFO, L"Calling gRPC request"));*
    Status status = stub_->SayHello(&context, request, &reply);
    *RD_TRACE_LOG((RD_TRACE_INFO, L"Returned gRPC request"));*

class AppSayHelloImpl final : public App_SayHello::Service

        SayHello(ServerContext* context, const
 Request* request, Response* response) override
*            RDOS_INFO << L"Received request: " << request->testmessage();*
            std::string message = request->testmessage();
            RDOS_INFO << L"returned.";
            return Status::OK;

[2023/12/14, 06:02:46.536,  INFO, 00019432] Calling gRPC request
[2023/12/14, 06:02:48.567,  INFO, 00019432] Returned gRPC request

[2023/12/14, 06:02:48.567, INFO, 00027292] Received request: test
[2023/12/14, 06:02:48.567, INFO, 00027292] returned. 

Further logging shows that the flow from the client calling SayHello() to 
the Server trigger the SayHello() function took the 2 seconds.  

1. Does GRPC client and server write internal logs? If it does, where I can 
find it on Windows? If not, how can I trace it.
2. Any idea about why it take so long sending the request from client to 
server? Is it expected? If not, how can I debugging/tracing it?

Any response will be appreciated! 

Best regards,

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