I am using Protobuff with dotnet core 6. I am creating CRUD operation 
through gRPC communication. In my get response I have some nullable 
properties (string, datetime).
Now facing issue when datetime nullable property want to return. Also 
datetime is returning as a json object. Same for nullable string also. 
Where as I want the response as normal datetime and string value. Can 
anyone please help to solve this issue.

My proto file look like below:

*syntax = "proto3";import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";import 
"google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";message GetSiteResponse{ int32 id = 
1; string name = 2; google.protobuf.StringValue description = 3; bool 
deleted = 4; int32 created_user = 5; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_date 
= 6;  google.protobuf.Int32Value modified_user = 7; 
 google.protobuf.Timestamp modified_date = 8;}*


*My response is coming in below format:*

* {            "id": 1,            "name": "name20",            
"description": {                "value": "desc20"            },            
"deleted": false,            "created_user": 1,            "created_date": 
{                "seconds": "1702460720",                "nanos": 
414000000            },            "modified_user": {                
"value": 1            },            "modified_date": null        }*


*But I want my response in below format*

* {            "id": 1,            "name": "name20",            
"description": "desc20",            "deleted": false,            
"created_user": 1,            "created_date": "2023-12-13T09:45:20.414Z",  
          "modified_user": 1,            "modified_date": null        }*

*Thanks in advance*

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