The v1.61.0 release 
<> is now available.

*API Changes*

   - Remove unused experimental API 
   ManagedChannelBuilder.enableFullStreamDecompression (#10744 
   - api: Deprecate LoadBalancer.EMPTY_PICKER added in 1.58.0 in favor of 
   FixedResultPicker (860b5cb 

*New Features*

   - binder: Experimental support for asynchronous security policies (#10566 


   - core: reduce CompositeReadableBuffer allocation (#3279 
   - core: Improve error message clarity when a channel leak is detected (
   - util: use shared index across round_robin pickers (dca89b2 
   This makes its implementation more similar to weighted_round_robin. 
   - xds: Implement ADS stream flow control mechanism (#10674 
   <>). This limits the maximum 
   memory consumed if the control plane sends updates more rapidly than they 
   can be processed. 

*Bug Fixes*

   - core: Check outbound maximum message size for the compressed size in 
   addition to the already-checked uncompressed size (#10739 
   <>). Fixed the status code 
   to be RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED instead of UNKNOWN. 
   - util: Fix NPE when multiple addresses are in an address group for 
   petiole load balancer policies (#10769 
   - util: Disable publishing of fixtures (8ac43dd 
   The Gradle test fixtures are for use by grpc-java's internal tests. 
   - okhttp: Ignore known conscrypt socket close issue (#10812 
   <>). This stops an exception 
   from being thrown when a known Conscrypt synchronization issue happens. 


   - Drop support for Bazel 5 (55a9c01 
   Bazel 7 is available, and Protobuf has already dropped support for Bazel 5. 
   - Change many compile deps to runtime deps (d6830d7 
   This reduces the transitive classes "leaked" into the compile classpath. In 
   particular, grpc-core (io.grpc.internal) will be less frequently included 
   transitively at compile time. 
   - Upgrade dependencies (c985797 
      - Protobuf to 3.25.1 
      - auto-value-annotations to 1.10.4 
      - error_prone_annotations to 2.23.0 
      - proto-google-common-protos to 2.29.0 
      - google-cloud-logging to 3.15.14 
      - guava to 32.1.3-android 
      - okio to 3.4.0 


   - *@Gordiychuk* <> 
   - *@jroper* <> 
   - *@jyane* <> 
   - *@ulfjack* <> 

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