Right.  have you tested how well GRUB can handle big filesystems, or
don't you have any?

Like I said, I'm using GRUB2 to floppy boot a 2.1TB machine (the main barrier with large file system is 2TB) and t looks like it's working fine.  However, I do have problems installing GRUB2 on the RAID system.  I'll describe it in another post.

> About the (hd0,0) to (hd0,1), it means that if you have (hd0,0) in regular
> PC partition table, it becomes (hd0,1) in GPT format.  Not sure why, but
> that's how I boot it since I can't find anything under (hd0,0) once I switch
> to GPT.

Oh, I see.  That's something that should be fixed I think.  I will
have a look at it, but it won't happen this month.

That's a bug?  I thought that's how GPT partition works....  =)

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