----- Original Message ----
To: The development of GRUB 2 <grub-devel@gnu.org>
Sent: Saturday, 30 August, 2008 11:01:18 AM
Subject: Re: Windows,grub and grub2

> Hi,
> I thinks it's caused by partition entry pointer %esi which isn't
> correct in grub2, please see if this patch fixes the problem.
> --
> Bean


BTW, you should use the following command:

set root=(hd0,1)
chainloader +1

It's not the same as chainloader (hd0,1)+1, as chainloader command
would use the value of root to decide the boot partition index.



There was no need for the initial partition to me made active, as it was 
already active.So trying that didnt help out anyway.

Initially I was not calling set root=(hd0,1).

But even after I use it, the results were the same.

The location 7c00 was good, so the boot record is getting copied correctly.

I am repeating my earlier doubt, are we sure that,the assembly part of both 
grub-legacy and grub2 doesnt have any changes with respect to grub2, especially 
in th

I still feel, there might be a problem with that, as I feel we are jumping into 
boot record of windows and then going to an infinite after dumping the error :A 
disk read error occurred'


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