On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 1:26 AM, Grant Edwards <gra...@visi.com> wrote:

>  1) Mac firmware not being able to boot from anything other
>     than an HFS+ partion on a GPT partioned drive.

I got curious and rechecked this -
Here is grub.efi booting from usb msdos drive with hfsplus partition -

sh-3.2# diskutil list /dev/disk1

   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE
   0:     FDisk_partition_scheme                        *1.9 Gi     disk1
   1:                      Linux                         1.2 Gi     disk1s1
   2:                  Apple_HFS disk1s2                 572.6 Mi   disk1s2
   3:                 DOS_FAT_32 fat32                   100.4 Mi   disk1s3

sh-3.2# bless --folder /Volumes/disk1s2 --file /Volumes/disk1s2/grub64.efi
--label "msdoshfsp" --setBoot

sh-3.2# bless --info /Volumes/disk1s2 finderinfo[0]:      2 => Blessed
System Folder is /Volumes/disk1s2/
finderinfo[1]:     85 => Blessed System File is /Volumes/disk1s2/grub64.efi
finderinfo[2]:      0 => Open-folder linked list empty
finderinfo[3]:      0 => No OS 9 + X blessed 9 folder
finderinfo[4]:      0 => Unused field unset
finderinfo[5]:      2 => OS X blessed folder is /Volumes/disk1s2/
64-bit VSDB volume id:  0x795006DDA23084CA

--setBoot gives deafult fast boot to grub menu, but when booted that way,
grub can only see its own disk (hd0)

If booted via Option key or rEFIt all drives are seen and bootable.

>  2) MiniMyth kernel lacks support for EFI/GPT parition tables
>     and SATA hard drives.

On the GPT drive, an MSDOS partition table is generated from gpt tables by
the Mac OSX Bootcamp utility which creates a fat32 partition for the Windows
msdos compatible mode.
Or the msdos MBR can also be checked and generated by rEFIt (used by apple
intel linux users).

The list of  drivers for minimyth seems to include those used for sata on my
macs, but you may have better info.

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> Grub-devel@gnu.org
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Cros (pxw)
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