lode leroy wrote:
>      I tried compiling grub from bzr on cygwin.
> grub-mkimage failed with the following error:
> ~/grub/build/grub-core $ ../grub-mkimage -v -O i386-pc -d . -o
> core.img biosdisk part_msdos fat ntfs
> ../grub-mkimage: info: getting the size of ./biosdisk.mod.
> [...]
> ../grub-mkimage: info: getting the size of ./kernel.img.
> ../grub-mkimage: error: invalid ELF header.

In the past (1.98), kernel.img was a raw binary. Now it is an ELF file
which requires extra conversion if build on Cygwin.

I will provide a patch to fix Cygwin build for 1.99.

> I found that the problem can be solved by replacing the following
> line in the Makefile
> strip -v -R .rel.dyn -R .reginfo -R .note -R .comment  -o kernel.img
> kernel.exec.exe
> by
> strip -Felf32-i386 -v -R .rel.dyn -R .reginfo -R .note -R .comment 
> -o kernel.img kernel.exec.exe

Did the core.img actually work as expected then?

Thanks for the problem report.

Christian Franke

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