Signed-off-by: Goffredo Baroncelli <>
 grub-core/fs/btrfs.c | 68 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 68 insertions(+)

diff --git a/grub-core/fs/btrfs.c b/grub-core/fs/btrfs.c
index be195448d..394611cbb 100644
--- a/grub-core/fs/btrfs.c
+++ b/grub-core/fs/btrfs.c
@@ -119,6 +119,8 @@ struct grub_btrfs_chunk_item
 #define GRUB_BTRFS_CHUNK_TYPE_RAID1         0x10
 #define GRUB_BTRFS_CHUNK_TYPE_RAID10        0x40
+#define GRUB_BTRFS_CHUNK_TYPE_RAID5         0x80
+#define GRUB_BTRFS_CHUNK_TYPE_RAID6         0x100
   grub_uint8_t dummy2[0xc];
   grub_uint16_t nstripes;
   grub_uint16_t nsubstripes;
@@ -764,6 +766,72 @@ grub_btrfs_read_logical (struct grub_btrfs_data *data, 
grub_disk_addr_t addr,
              stripe_offset = low + chunk_stripe_length
                * high;
              csize = chunk_stripe_length - low;
+             break;
+           }
+           {
+             grub_uint64_t nparities, stripe_nr, high, low;
+             redundancy = 1;   /* no redundancy for now */
+             if (grub_le_to_cpu64 (chunk->type) & GRUB_BTRFS_CHUNK_TYPE_RAID5)
+               {
+                 grub_dprintf ("btrfs", "RAID5\n");
+                 nparities = 1;
+               }
+             else
+               {
+                 grub_dprintf ("btrfs", "RAID6\n");
+                 nparities = 2;
+               }
+             /*
+              * Below an example of a RAID6 layout and the meaning of the
+              * variables. The same apply to RAID5. The only differences is 
+              * there is only one parity instead of two.
+              *
+              * A RAID6 6 layout consists in several stripes spread
+              * on the disks, following a layout like the one below
+              *
+              *   Disk1  Disk2  Disk3  Ddisk4
+              *
+              *    A1     B1     P1     Q1
+              *    Q2     A2     B2     P2  
+              *    P3     Q3     A3     B3
+              *  [...]
+              *
+              *  Note that the placement of the parities depends on row index;
+              *  In the code below:
+              *  stripe_nr -> is the stripe number not considering the parities
+              *               (A1=0, B1=1, A2 = 2, B2 = 3, ...)
+              *  high -> is the row number (0 for A1...Q1, 1 for Q2..P2, ...)
+              *  stripen -> is the column number (or disk number)
+              *  off -> logical address to read (from the beginning of the
+              *         chunk space)
+              *  chunk_stripe_length -> size of a stripe (typically 64k)
+              *  nstripes -> number of disks
+              *  low -> offset of the data inside a stripe
+              * 
+              */
+             stripe_nr = grub_divmod64 (off, chunk_stripe_length, &low);
+             /*
+              * In the line below stripen is evaluated without considering
+              * the parities (0 for A1, A2, A3... 1 for B1, B2...);
+              */
+             high = grub_divmod64 (stripe_nr, nstripes - nparities, &stripen);
+             /*
+              * In the line below stripen, now consider also the parities (0
+              * for A1, 1 for A2, 2 for A3....); the math is done "modulo"
+              * number of disks
+              */
+             grub_divmod64 (high + stripen, nstripes, &stripen);
+             stripe_offset = low + chunk_stripe_length * high;
+             csize = chunk_stripe_length - low;

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