On 8/28/20 11:28 AM, HardenedArray via Grub-devel wrote:
> I run Arch Linux as an encrypted /, /boot and swap system. That
> encrypted /boot is nothing more than a folder under /, however two
> Keyslots are required to boot.
> If I understand the boot process correctly, LUKS Keyslot 1 is used by
> grub to unlock /boot, then control is handed off to the kernel which
> uses Keyslot 0 to unlock /. My passphrase, entered once, unlocks
> both.
> Grub can easily unlock /boot, assuming / is originally encrypted as a
> `type= luks1` partition. It seems, however, it is not possible for
> grub to unlock this same /boot if / is converted to `--type= luks2`.
> Is my assumption correct, and if so, what is preventing grub from
> this `type= luks2` /boot unlocking?
> I am running: grub-git 2.04.rc1.r19.g4e7b5bb3b-1 from the Arch (AUR).
> This package was last updated on 7 Feb 2020. See:
> https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/grub-git/
> I originally encrypted the partition with: `cryptsetup -c
> aes-xts-plain64 -h sha512 -s 512 --use-random --type luks1 luksFormat
> /dev/sdXZ`
> Then I set up two LVs: swap (512M) and / (remaining partition space).
> That swap LV is assigned as `dm-1` and / is assigned as `dm-2`. dm-2
> runs BTRFS, if that matters. Grub boots that system without issue.
> The process I used to test LUKS2 encrypted /boot support:
> 1. UEFI boot from any reasonably recent arch iso, and run:
> `cryptsetup convert --type luks2 /dev/sdXZ`. That command will
> succeed, and luksDump will show PBKDF: pbkdf2 for both Keyslot 0 and
> 1.
> 2. Run cryptsetup open /dev/sdXY <something>
> 3. Mount everything and arch-chroot into /
> 4. Run `mkinitcpio -P linux`
> 5. Run `grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/efi
> --modules="luks2 part_gpt cryptodisk" --bootloader-id=<some-id>`.
> Note: If `--modules="luks2 part_gpt cryptodisk" ` is not appended to
> grub-install, then the `ls` results in step 9 (below) only lists
> (proc) and (hd0) - and/or cryptodisk: command not found.
> 6. Run grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
> 7. Exit, umount and reboot.
> 8. Immediately following power on: you are greeted by the dreaded:
> error: disk 'lvmid/some-lengthy-UUID' not found. Entering rescue
> mode. That lengthy UUID is exact UUID of my `dm-2` which is my
> encrypted / LV.
> 9. At the `grub rescue>` prompt: type `ls`. There I see (proc) (hd0)
> and (hd0,gpt1)...(hd0,gpt7) where gpt7 is my last partition and where
> my encrypted / resides.
> 10. Still at `grub rescue>` type: `cryptomount (hd0,gpt7)` which then
> requires my passphrase. After correct passphrase entry, and hitting
> Enter only returns:
> `error: Could not parse digest 1.`
> Incredibly, if you repeat step 10 and intentionally enter an
> incorrect passphrase, you get the same:
> `error: Could not parse digest 1.`
> In fact, if you enter NO passphrase and hit Enter, you also get:
> `error: Could not parse digest 1.`
> Very frustrating indeed!
> Does anyone know why grub is failing this way, and does a workaround
> exist?
> Thank you for your time...suggestions welcome.

If I remember correctly, you mentioned on IRC that you could
successfully use grub-git to cryptomount a luks1 /boot/grub directory,
then use the grub modules there to further cryptomount a luks2 partition.

The problem sounded like an issue actually getting grub-install to
generate a grubx64.efi with proper, usable luks2 support.

Am I right?

Eli Schwartz
Arch Linux Bug Wrangler and Trusted User

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