Are you fitting the sample to detector distance and the wavelength/unit cell ?

Having a typo in the wavelength can do this sort of thing. Your legend suggests someone input an energy of 70 keV. This is not an X-ray absorption edge, and so surprising if it is exactly true.



On 07/07/2017 18:02, Serio, Joseph A. wrote:

A follow up to my previous question, for people who read this is in the future. I have (hopefully) attached what my position calibration appears as after performing the 2D image tilt calibration. It seems that I am able to fit a function similar to the previous mentioned one in order to model this shift, on the order of rtrue = rmeasured * (1 + 0.004 (rmeas/detectorhalfsize)^2). This disagrees with the negative “a” value obtained in the paper, instead yielded a necessary increase in the diffraction ring diameter. Any help on this issue is still appreciated.


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