Today we posted version 3000 of GSAS-II(!) This makes the previous “2 frame” 
version of GSAS-II, available for testing, into the standard release. If you 
have not seen it, what has happened is that we have combined the “data tree” 
and “data editing” windows into a single window, so now GSAS-II creates only 
two windows, one for plots/graphics and the other for the GUI. (N.B. Frame is 
the wxPython name for a window, which is why we called this “2 frame”). All 
comments we have gotten on this change have been positive. Note that we 
recommend running GSAS-II so that output goes to a cmd/terminal window so there 
is an additional display-only window for error and status messages. 

If you previously used the help menu to switch to the test “2frame” version, 
when you make your next update (soon, we suggest), it should switch back to the 
standard “trunk” version. If you are still using the old version with separate 
windows, we suggest updating right away. Either way, GSAS-II from this point 
forward will have the two GUI windows combined. Also, starting with version 
3002, the help option to switch to the test/standard version should disappear 
from the menu. 

There have been some other fairly recent changes. One is that GSAS-II 
refinements have gotten about a factor of two faster. Also, to reduce the size 
of the GSAS-II download, we no longer include binary files for all platforms in 
the standard installation. Instead running the or file 
will download one set of binaries matching the platform you are using. If you 
are hosting a GSAS-II installation on a server for multiple platforms, you will 
likely want to install all the binaries. To do that use the 
-server option (step #8 on Note, if 
you installed GSAS-II with a admin account, you need to run it (or from that admin account to perform upgrades. If you upgrade from 
inside GSAS-II, the first time you run it, it will install the appropriate 
binary files, so you will likely need to run GSAS-II once from that admin 
account so that it can write to the subdirectory where the binary files will be 

These changes will likely introduce some unintended consequences (aka bugs). 
Please let us know about them.

Brian (& Bob)
GSAS-II mailing list

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