Hi Brian,

While I am running GSAS-II fine on my desktop Mac, I have hit a wall with my 
laptop (MacBook Pro, Retina, Mid 2012) running MACOSX ElCapitan (10.11.6).

The program has been unable to run for many months. When I attended the GSAS-II 
workshop at DXC in August, the folks there (mainly from APS) had me download 
and install the latest version, but it still would not run.

Possibly this is a permissions error. I have appended the most recent error 
dialog from attempting to run GSAS-II this morning in case you can make any 
sense of it:

mac83901:~ 9ap$ /Users/9ap/GSAS-II/GSAS-II.app/Contents/MacOS/GSAS-II 
/Users/9ap/GSAS-II/GSASII.py; exit
Attempting to download GSAS-II binary files...
Running svn command
/Users/9ap/g2conda/bin/svn list 
https://subversion.xray.aps.anl.gov/pyGSAS/Binaries/ --non-interactive 
FYI: The current numpy version, 1.12.1, is newer than the newest dist version 
Loading files to /Users/9ap/GSAS-II/bindist/
  from https://subversion.xray.aps.anl.gov/pyGSAS/Binaries/mac_64_p2.7_n1.6/
****** An error was noted, see below *********
out= A    GSAS-II/bindist/polymask.so
A    GSAS-II/bindist/pyspg.so
A    GSAS-II/bindist/fellipse.so
A    GSAS-II/bindist/histogram2d.so
A    GSAS-II/bindist/pack_f.so
A    GSAS-II/bindist/Build_notes
A    GSAS-II/bindist/pypowder.so
A    GSAS-II/bindist/pytexture.so
A    GSAS-II/bindist/pydiffax.so
A    GSAS-II/bindist/unpack_cbf.so
A    GSAS-II/bindist/histosigma2d.so

err= svn: E155009: Failed to run the WC DB work queue associated with 
'/Users/9ap/GSAS-II/bindist', work item 701 (file-install bindist/polymask.so 1 
0 1 1)
svn: E000013: Can't move '/Users/9ap/GSAS-II/.svn/tmp/svn-B8CAP5' to 
'/Users/9ap/GSAS-II/bindist/polymask.so': Permission denied

Use of GSAS-II binary directory /Users/9ap/GSAS-II/binmac64-2.7 failed!
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/9ap/GSAS-II/GSASII.py", line 25, in <module>
  File "/Users/9ap/GSAS-II/GSASIIpath.py", line 797, in SetBinaryPath
    raise Exception,"**** ERROR GSAS-II binary libraries not found, GSAS-II 
cannot run ****"
Exception: **** ERROR GSAS-II binary libraries not found, GSAS-II cannot run 
Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...

[Process completed]


Dr. E. Andrew Payzant
Engineering Materials Group Leader
Chemical and Engineering Materials Division
Neutron Sciences Directorate
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

1 Bethel Valley Road
Bldg. 8600, Room B-438, Mailstop 6475
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6475

Phone: (865) 576-2164
cell: (865) 235-4981
email: payza...@ornl.gov

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