
I have a suggestion that might be obvious for all experts but
nonetheless a little help for newbies like myself. Especially since
gsll might be the first lisp package they (like me) want to try out.

In the example section in the web page, would it be possible to add a
small "getting started". Maybe it can be combined with the first
example. For example.

Getting started

Make sure that your are able to load the system.

    (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :gsll)

This should load up the system without errors. The last lines should
be looking something like:

    ; registering #<SYSTEM GRID {1003EC1961}> as GRID
    ; loading system definition from /usr/share/common-lisp/systems/c-array.asd
    ; into #<PACKAGE "ASDF0">
    ; registering #<SYSTEM C-ARRAY {1002D0F471}> as C-ARRAY

Then make sure that you use the gsll package, run the following

    (in-package :gsl)

This should tell you that the gsll package is ready with the following line:


Now you are ready to try out one of the many gsl functions

    (jacobian-elliptic-functions 0.2d0 0.81d0)

which should give you something like this:


If the above steps have worked successful, you are ready to jump into
the amazing world of gsll.

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