Hey guys, New gSoap user with a general question.  I did search the
forums but couldn't find a good answer.

I'm of course using gSoap 2.7.11 to build a new service in C++ on
windows with Visual C++ 2005 (Ver. 8.0).  I've successfully deployed
these services to a brand new Apache 2.2 server and connected to them
with a simple console based client that demonstrates the basics.

But I have a major snag.  I'll simplify the problem somewhat since the
details are not important but here's a fairly reasonable example. 
Please try to work with the specifics I'm pointing out here and not
circumvent the process completely.

My service needs to manage a very large amount of data and generate
results from this large data set.  The best option would be for the
service to load the data into memory once the web server starts, and
then with each service request, access the data and then deal out the
response.  Thus, my service needs to pre-load/generate the data,
maintain it in memory for the life of the web server, and process
results based on this memory.  Once the server is down, of course, so
should be the service.

Considering services seem to be a 'run and respond' type of
application unless you build them stand-alone, it seems to me that
this is currently imposable to accomplish.  I do not want my service
to be a stand-alone application currently.  

I seem to get an impression that their is a way to do this.  Perhaps
with Apache Modules but I've yet to fully understand how they work or
how to use mod_gsoap to make them work, if it's even possible
considering mod_gsoap is so out of date.

Does anyone have any ideas on how I can make this service work?  Is
their a simple way to make this happen using gSoap with Apache?

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