Hi Everyone,

I am trying to consume a web service developed with java. I have been 
provided with a WSDL file which I use the wsdl2h parser and soapcpp2 
to generate the necessary files. I understand from the gSOAP 
documentation that the environment can be reused as many times as 
necessary and does not need to be reinitialized. However, any attempt 
to make another call results in the following runtime error

Error 6 fault: SOAP-ENV:Client [no subcode]
"No XML element tag"
Detail: [no detail]

The strange twist is that using a new soap runtime for each call 
works okay but I guess that would be prohibitive from performance 
point of view. I would be glad to provide test.log, recv.log and 
sent.log files if necessary.

using wsdl2h version 1.2.11 and soapcpp2 version 2.7.11 and runing 
with the following command options

wsdl2h -s -v -ttypemap.dat -I\gsoap-2.7\gsoap\import -o 
WebServiceTest.h http://pc005/obook/obook?wsdl=1

soapcpp2 -C -L -i -w -x -I\gsoap-2.7\gsoap\import WebServiceTest.h

I would be glad if someone would be kind to give me an insight as to 
what to do to in order to fix it. I am evaluating gSOAP for a c++ 


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