    Thanks for answering.  One thing to note is the line numbers in my
linking error messages.  It is reporting that the redefinition is on the
same line as the original definition.  That is what is confusing me.

Here is one example error message:
  linux-odbc/addrValClientLib.o: In function `soap_call___ns1__AddVal':
multiple definition of `soap_call___ns1__AddVal'
DDval/addrValClient.c:16: first defined here

Here is line 15 and 16:
     15 SOAP_FMAC5 int SOAP_FMAC6 soap_call___ns1__AddVal(struct soap *soap,
const char
        *soap_endpoint, const char *soap_action, struct _ns1__AddVal
*ns1__AddVal, struc
        t _ns1__AddValResponse *ns1__AddValResponse)
     16 {   struct __ns1__AddVal soap_tmp___ns1__AddVal;

So my question is, how is it redefined?  I see no redefinition of this
function at all.  What am I missing?

The files it is rejecting are not my code, or else I would not be asking.
They are the code output from the gsoap tools.  I would think that code
output from the gsoap tools would compile as is, with no editing.  Is that
not true?

Do you need to see more to understand?  Thanks again.


  -----Original Message-----
  From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Glen L
  Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 4:38 PM
  Subject: [gsoap] Re:New user - gsoap compile errors

        Open up those files you're compiling and take a look.


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