I would like to introduce an opensource, Coord, which is built on gSOAP.
You can download Coord as follows:

 - http://dev.naver.com/frs/download.php/107/coord-lib0.1-20081114-
 - http://dev.naver.com/frs/download.php/8/coord-lib0.1-20081114-linux-

For installation & quick start, you can refer to the following wiki.

 - http://dev.naver.com/wiki/coord/

Coord is a large-scale computational space such as a distributed memory.
If you've already known javaspaces or gigaspaces, it is easy to 
understand Coord since Coord is like C++-wise javaspaces/gigaspaces.

Using gSOAP, I developed a SOA(service-oriented architecture), and 
built a SBA(space-based architecture) on the SOA.
And then, the SBA scaled out by means of using DHT(distributed hash 

1. Coord is a space-based architecture built on distributed hash tables.
 - SBA(Space-based Architecture) – processes communicate with others 
thru. only spaces 
 - DHT(Distributed Hash Tables) – data identified by hash functions are 
placed on numerically near nodes 

2. Coord is a computing platform to project a single address space on 
distributed memories, as if users worked in a single computing 

3. Coord provides inter-process communication, resource share, and 
synchronization thru. the space. 
 - Coord hides some complicated codes for network programming 
 - The peers don't need to recognize each other since Coord provides 

4. Coord supports a variety of distributed programming models with only 
simple API(write/read/take) 
 - Client-Server 
 - Master-Worker: provide a scalable framework for parallel processing 
 - Scatter-Gather: provide an on-the-fly framework for data exchange 
 - Map-Reduce: provide a simplified framework for massive data 

5. Coord propers for general-purpose distributed programming as well as 
data-/computation-intensive distributed programming 

Feel free to make use of Coord, and any comments can help us.

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