Hello all,
I have a quick question for setting up/installing Simple CA for GT6. The 
Installation Guide suggested that:
    If you install the globus-simpleca Debian or RPM package, it will 
automatically create a simpleca user and    a Simple CA in 
/var/lib/globus/simple_ca. If want to create a custom CA, or are using the 
source    installer, you'll need to do the following. Otherwise, you can skip 
to the Using a SimpleCA chapter of the SimpleCA    documentation, as these 
steps have already been done.
Does that mean if I wanted to have the simpleCA inside the .globus folder, I 
need to do the grid-ca-create command and the other following commands? Also 
completely disregard the simpleca in the /var/lib/globus?Since myproxy has the 
simpleca configuration, I would like to have it inside the .globus folder.
Thank you so much!
Best,Monica Zhu                                           

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