Greetings All,

   - I wanted to know how concurrency is implemented in GridFTP?
   - I wanted to know if you could point me to the exact code where
   concurrency is implemented and utilized?
   - I wanted to know when concurrent GridFTP control sessions/GridFTP
   server processes are started (based on the concurrency parameter specified
   in the globus-url-copy client), if each GridFTP Server Process have the
   same IP Address and Port # or do each of the concurrent GridFTP Server
   Process just have the same IP Address but different port number? For
   example, I performd a third party transfer file transfer using computers:
   WS12, WS11 and WS7, as seen below. So in this case will each of w12's
   control channels connect to w7 on port 5021? Or will one control channel
   connect to port 5021, the next one to 5022, the following one to port 5023,
   etc. ?

*GridFTP servers were started on computers: WS12 and WS7*

globus-gridftp-server -aa -p 5021 -log-level all -logfile /home/logfile.txt

*Globus-url-copy was executed on computer WS11*

globus-url-copy -vb -p 1 -cc 4 -dbg ftp://didclab-ws12.cse.
<> >>

Note, I did read through many GridFTP documentations as well as traverse
the code, but I have the above questions.

this was a great overview

Thank you in advance for your response,

L. PhD Candidate

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