You seem to be mixing packages from the Globus repository and the epel repository. To prevent this, you should install yum-plugin-priorities to prefer the Globus repository for all Globus packages.


On 7/18/2018 10:48 PM, Wang Jiaxiang wrote:
Hi everybody,

I got a problem when I tested GridFTP following the QuickStart installation in my VMs with CentOS7, which is when I run

*globus-url-copy -dbg -vb gsiftp://donkey.globus/tmp/t file:///tmp/t*


I will get the error “An end of file occurred” like below

I know that means the remote socket was closed. So I checked the “donkey.globus” machine and I found

*globus-gridftp-server: symbol lookup error: /lib64/ undefined symbol: globus_gridftp_server_control_attr_set_epsv_ip*

I know the “epsv”in “*globus_gridftp_server_control_attr_set_epsv_ip*”means it allow both ipv4 and ipv6 in ftpserver but something happened.

To fix this, I tried many times with different way but nothing changed, I really don’t know what to do.

Is there anybody knowing what’s wrong and how to fix that?

Thank you!


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