Hi Madison

I'm not an expert about GTD but I've been trying to practice for
last 3 months and I,ve been reading David Allen several times. I have
his Workflow Diagram stuck in my office's wall and I never heard
about this "Action" you're talking about. Unless you're talking about
those 2 minutes actions that you should do when Collecting. That is
not something to put on a list - just do it.
And I've been comparing MonkeyGTD (mGSD now) with many
other tools - each one I found - and that's the only one, except for
ThinkingRock, that implements GTD in a straight way.
It doesn't has potential, it's done! Maybe you should Review it.

On 28 fev, 09:30, DCmGSD <mettadupon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> mGSD 3.1.3 beta on Fox 3.6: I have read thru many blog & group entries
> and not seen answer.
> 1.  Where is the plain "non-Next" Action Status?     (not WaitingOn,
> Future, or Finished)
> 2.  as described in a different gtd group (and in Allen's work):
> ..........There are common Status labels/tags: Next Action, Action,
> Waiting On, Some Day and Finished....
> ..........if you are waiting on a response, set it to Waiting On.
> Otherwise it’s an "Action".
> ..........And, if it’s the highest priority thing in a project, it’s a
> "Next Action".
> 3, in mGSD, when I "+action", only:  [check-box finished} .... n .....
> w  .....  f,  Appear, with n=NextAction being the default.
> 4. The Work/Process filters/reports also seem to just provide
> selections for "Next Action(s)".
> 5.  Have I installed something wrong??  etc. What am I missing?  Is
> mGSD designed like this?
> 6.  I can sort of see a work-around, by using "w" for next action as I
> can get around waiting on; but it just seems like I am missing
> something.
> 7.  I am reasonably GTD familiar from DA's books, paper system, and
> gtdInbox (poor functioning for 100+  projects/references.
> Keep up the good work, your system seems to have potential.
>  - Madison

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