Hi David … I’ve embarked on an effort similar to yours and I’m hoping we 
don’t duplicate each other’s work too much. I’m adding some customizations 
into mGSD; however, I’m focused on doing them through options and also 
trying to minimize the impact that future upgrades to mGSD will have on 
these enhancements (through transclusions and hijacking when those are 
I'm wondering what everyone thinks of this effort. The customizations I’m 
focusing on are

1.       Integration with the AdvancedOptionsPlugin (done).

2.       Trying to separate some aspects of the presentation from the 
implementation details so that the display/presentation can be changed a 
little easier by end users without them running the risk of messing up the 
code as easily (I’m thinking about this but I’m not sure how well it’ll 

3.       The 1st 2  items listed at *
 Support and Classifications) and the options for those (done, but 
I need to clean it up).

4.       Allowing the user to specify additional Classifications and the 
names of those Classifications as Options (not sure if that’s easily doable 
by me or not -- I’ve added a “Bucket List” into the classifications). I’m 
also not convinced that the names of these need to be different between 
Actions and Projects or whether they can be the same. Thus, I hope that 
both “Future” and “Someday/Maybe” can be used for both Actions and 
Projects. But I need to experiment more (done, but it’s ugly and I’ll redo 

5.       Better ticklers (using Kralik’s modifications) (done).

6.       Optionally permitting Actions and Projects to actually have 
ticklers instead of having to switch back and forth (done, but I need to 
clean it up).

7.       Better date selection in Ticklers (you currently can’t type in a 
date, nor can you change the calendar more than a month at a time). I don’t 
have a clue how to do this one.

8.       Optionally Adding several new fields for Actions, Ticklers, and 
Projects (e.g., “Last Done Date”, “Must Complete By” date).

9.       A cleaned up sidebar with options (to move all the Actions, 
Projects, Ticklers to another tab). Possibly put Plugins in one tab and 
mGSD code into another tab.

10.   More information about each item displayed in the Dashboards 
(controlled through options).

11.   Turning this from “just GTD” into a full-blown PIM, with other easily 
added optional methodologies/features.

a.       Adding support for another To Do program called “Final Version”, 
developed by Mark Forster, the same person who developed Autofocus.

b.      Support for another To Do process that my wife developed in Access, 
based somewhat loosely on Jerry Seinfeld’s Don’t Break The Chain).

c.       If I can add your Meeting stuff into it, along with AutoFocus 4, 
I’ll do those also. Or anything else that someone develops that can be 
included into a “package” of enhancements that can be options.
Here are the Options I’ve got so far to control some of these items. Many 
are already in mGSD, but this will be a way to include all options in one 
place. People who are “pure GTD” proponents would simply have most of the 
non-GTD options turned off or use options that specify GTD terminology. 
People who are Autofocus purists would have most of the non-Autofocus 
options turned off. People who are Final Version purists would have most of 
the non-Final Version options turned off, etc.
Options I’ve got so far:

Show tickler alerts regardless of realm settings 

Actions & Projects can have Priorities (Priorities)
*Show Full Info in Dashboard Reports*

Show full project name next to actions in action lists instead of just [P] (
*FullProjectInActionLists* <javascript:;>)

Show full area name next to actions in action lists instead of just [A] (*
FullAreaInActionLists* <javascript:;>)

Show full contact name next to actions in action lists instead of just [C] (
*FullContactInActionLists* <javascript:;> )

Show full context names next to actions in action lists instead of just 
[Cx] (*FullContextInActionLists* <javascript:;>)

Show full Priority Name next to actions in action lists instead of just 
[Pr] (*FullPriorityInActionLists* <javascript:;>)
*Multiple Values*

Actions & Projects can have multiple Areas (*MultipleAreas* <javascript:;>)

Actions & Projects can have multiple Contacts (*MultipleContacts*<javascript:;>

Actions can have multiple contexts (*MultipleContexts* <javascript:;>)
*Are Values Inheritable from parent Projects*

Areas always Inherit from Parent Project (*AreasInherit* <javascript:;>)

Contacts always Inherit from Parent Project (*ContactsInherit*<javascript:;>

Contexts always Inherit from Parent Project (*ContextsInherit*<javascript:;>). 
Note: This probably should *NEVER* be turned on

Priorities always Inherit from Parent Project 
Note: This probably should *NEVER* be turned on
*Extra Fields*

Do you want to have 'Recurrence Patterns' text fields 
(chkRecurrencePatterns) - 2 fields will be created, both of which are 
informational only at this time
Do you want to have a 'Last Done Date' (chkLastDoneDate) - It is 
informational only at this time
Do you want to have a 'Must Complete By Date' (chkMustCompleteByDate) - It 
is informational only at this time
*Date Settings*

Week should start on Monday in calendar popups (*WeekStartsMonday*<javascript:;>

Enter the date format for ticklers.
Tickler date format:
(see *Date Formats* <http://tiddlywiki.org/wiki/Date_Formats>) 

Enter the date format for 'new journal'.
Journal date format:
(see *Date Formats* <http://tiddlywiki.org/wiki/Date_Formats>) 

Hour that ticklers should become active on their tickler date. (0 = 
Midnight, 12 = Midday)
Tickler activate hour:

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