hi people,

I've been trying to make an applet that can be put on the panel.When
the computer starts Xwindows,the icon of the applet should appear ON
the panel like the print-manager icon etc.
Working on Redhat Linux 8

We referred to the following documents:
1. http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gconf-list/2004-July/msg00032.html
2. http://gnome.org/learn/admin-guide/2.6/ch01s06.html#gconf-18

however we dont have the paths that these mails say should be there on
the computer.for eg:-
we dont have /apps/panel/general 
instead we have /apps/panel/profiles/default/applets .....

also, our gconf doesn't have --dump and --load options.

Morever, panel-default-setup.entries file is missing!
it should containg the variables:-
    applet_id_list = [mixer,clock,systray,...]
   object_id_list = [menu_bar,web_launcher,...]
   toplevel_id_list = [top_panel,bottom_panel]

but none exist!

but when we tried this cmd to increase workspaces as suggested by doc2,it worked

# gconftool-2 --direct --config-source
xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory --type int --set
/apps/metacity/general/num_workspaces integer

Made its own directory!!

we've been trying for a week but no progress.......

Any suggestions are welcome.
Thank u!
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