Dnia 15-04-2005, pią o godzinie 14:31 +0530, Vijay Kumar napisał:
> > some quick code but i don't know if it is writen correcly, also i
> > don't want it to have the header, or the default top of the
> > window. "The little part with the Tittle close, min and max
> > buttons." But i dont' know how. here is my code:
> [clip]
> >     /* Create a new window */
> > window = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
> Use GTK_WINDOW_POPUP instead of GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL, if you do not
> want window manager decorations.

Don't. GTK_WINDOW_POPUP is *NOT* meant to be used as means of removing
window decorations. That's explicitly stated in documentation:

"If you simply want an undecorated window (no window borders), use
gtk_window_set_decorated(), don't use GTK_WINDOW_POPUP."

In general, you'll rarely, if ever, need GTK_WINDOW_POPUP, and in case
you do need it, you're supposed to know enough to not need my telling.
Outside of implementing custom menu widget, you don't have much chance
to encounter such situation.


Maciej Katafiasz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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