When connecting signals to methods is is possible to add additional
variables to the signals and if so in which way. Furthermore, the 4th
variable, data, does it have to be a gpointer?

I have the following function defined as:

Horizontal_Zoom_In_clicked(GtkWidget *widget, int gt)

and the signal connection as:

g_signal_connect ((gpointer) Horizontal_Zoom_In, "clicked",
                                   G_CALLBACK (Horizontal_Zoom_In_clicked),

where graph_type is an int. as a result I get a
warning: passing argument 4 of 'g_signal_connect_data' makes pointer
from integer without a cast

now I was wondering if it is possible to pass a variable into the
Horizontal_Zoom_In_clicked method without it being a gpointer but an
int instead and if so how this is to be done.

Thanks a lot,

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