Colossus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Annamalai Gurusami wrote:
>> g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT(AddFile_button), "clicked",
>>                   G_CALLBACK(on_add_files_activate), "dummy");
>> The actual parameters of the callback function is determined by the
>> event and the widget handling the event.  Here you are handling the
>> "clicked" event for a GtkButton.  And for this event, the prototype of
>> the callback handler is
> I just tried to replace gpointer with G_OBJECT but nothing to do, the
> value dummy is never received by the function. I must use two
> parameters and get rid of the first one to receive the value dummy.

You took two *separate* comments, joined it together, and now
complaining that my "suggestion" didn't work!!  Funny!  :-D

What I was suggesting is that

g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT(AddFile_button), "clicked",
                  G_CALLBACK(on_add_files_activate), "dummy");

is better than

g_signal_connect( (gpointer)AddFile_button, "clicked",
                  G_CALLBACK(on_add_files_activate), "dummy");

because G_OBJECT does some type checking.  This has nothing to do with
the semantics of callback functions.



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