I'm trying to create a simple menu for my app with the new UIManager 
functions under GTK+ 2.6. I've copied most of my code for it from 
the the gtk-demo.exe app and I still can't get it to work. Compiles fine, 
but I get a long list of errors, all of which are like these (same error for 
similar code fragments):

Gtk-WARNING **: FileMenu: missing action
Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_container_foreach: assertion 
'GTK_IS_CONTAINER(container)' failed
Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_menu_shell_insert: assertion 
'GTK_IS_MENU_SHELL(menu_shell)' failed
Gtk-CRITICAL **: find_menu_position: assertion 
'GTK_IS_MENU_SHELL(menushell)' failed
Glib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid (NULL) pointer instance
Glib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_signal_connect_data: assertion 
'G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE(instance)' failed

I've been over the example and the API docs and I can't work out why this is 
happening. My code is below. If anyone can help I'd be very appreciative.

static GtkActionEntry entries[] = {
{ "Filemenu", NULL, "_File" },
{ "Editmenu", NULL, "_Edit" },
{ "Helpmenu", NULL, "_Help" },
{ "New", GTK_STOCK_NEW, "_New", "<control>n", "Create New File", 
G_CALLBACK(function_pendingm) },
{ "Open", GTK_STOCK_OPEN, "_Open", "<control>o", "Open File", 
G_CALLBACK(function_pendingm) },
{ "Save", GTK_STOCK_SAVE, "_Save", "<control>s", "Save File", 
G_CALLBACK(function_pendingm) },
{ "SaveAs", GTK_STOCK_SAVE, "Save As", NULL, "Save a Copy", 
G_CALLBACK(function_pendingm) },
{ "Quit", GTK_STOCK_QUIT, "_Quit", "<control>q", "Quit ClearSky", 
G_CALLBACK(function_pendingm) },
{ "Cut", GTK_STOCK_CUT, "Cut", "<control>x", "Cut Text", 
G_CALLBACK(function_pendingm) },
{ "Copy", GTK_STOCK_COPY, "Copy", "<control>c", "Copy Text", 
G_CALLBACK(function_pendingm) },
{ "Paste", GTK_STOCK_PASTE, "Paste", "<control>v", "Paste Text", 
G_CALLBACK(function_pendingm) },
{ "SelectAll", NULL, "Select _All", "<control>a", "Select All Text", 
G_CALLBACK(function_pendingm) },
{ "Find", GTK_STOCK_FIND_AND_REPLACE, "_Find and Replace", "<control>f", 
"Find and Replace Text", G_CALLBACK(function_pendingm) },
{ "Preferences", GTK_STOCK_PREFERENCES, "Preferences", NULL, "Set Viewing 
Preferences", G_CALLBACK(function_pendingm) },
{ "HelpContents", GTK_STOCK_HELP, "_Help Contents", "<control>h", "View Help 
File Contents", G_CALLBACK(function_pendingm) },
{ "About", GTK_STOCK_ABOUT, "_About", "<control>a", "About ClearSky", 
G_CALLBACK(function_pendingm) }

static guint n_entries = G_N_ELEMENTS (entries);

static const gchar *ui_info = 
" <menubar name='MenuBar'>"
" <menu action='FileMenu'>"
" <menuitem action='New'/>"
" <menuitem action='Open'/>"
" <menuitem action='Save'/>"
" <menuitem action='SaveAs'/>"
" <separator/>"
" <menuitem action='Quit'/>"
" </menu>"
" <menu action='EditMenu'>"
" <menuitem action='Cut'/>"
" <menuitem action='Copy'/>"
" <menuitem action='Paste'/>"
" <menuitem action='SelectAll'/>"
" <menuitem action='Find'/>"
" <separator/>"
" <menuitem action='Preferences'/>"
" </menu>"
" <menu action='HelpMenu'>"
" <menuitem action='HelpContents'/>"
" <separator/>"
" <menuitem action='About'/>"
" </menu>"
" </menubar>"

GtkUIManager *ui;
GtkActionGroup *actions;
GError *error = NULL;

actions = gtk_action_group_new ("Actions");
gtk_action_group_add_actions (actions, entries, n_entries, NULL);
ui = gtk_ui_manager_new ();
gtk_ui_manager_insert_action_group (ui, actions, 0);
gtk_window_add_accel_group (GTK_WINDOW (window), 
gtk_ui_manager_get_accel_group (ui));

if (!gtk_ui_manager_add_ui_from_string (ui, ui_info, -1, &error))
g_message ("building menus failed: %s", error->message);
g_error_free (error);

gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(mainbox), gtk_ui_manager_get_widget(ui, 
"/MenuBar"), FALSE, FALSE, 0);
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