On Fri, Feb 17, 2006 at 10:01:54PM -0500, Freddie Unpenstein wrote:
> > Maybe a stupid question, but have you tried Ctrl-Alt-KP_Divide to
> > ungrab or the more brutal Ctrl-Alt-KP_Multiply to kill the naughty
> > client? (if you have these enabled)
> Here's probably an even more stupid question.  They exist?!?  ;)

IIRC in old XFree86 they were even hardcoded to Xserver
(like the other Ctrl-Alt-Foo special Xserver actions).

> So how do you enable them, if they're not already enabled?

They are defined in compat/xfree86 XKB file, so make sure
it's included, but it should be so by default.


That's enough.
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