1.  Use "destroy" rather than "destroy_event" as the second argument to your
     call.  "destroy" is a signal rather than an event.
2.  IIRC, gtk_signal_connect has been deprecated in favor of



On 3/24/06, Elden Armbrust <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It appears I have spoken too soon.
> I have added the following code to my project, yet it still continues to
> leave a process running.
> Code - (in interface.c, for the construction of wndMain)
>   gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (wndMain), "destroy_event",
>                       GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (on_wndMain_destroy_event),
>                       NULL);
> Code - callbacks.c (just a single function pulled from the file)
> gboolean
> on_wndMain_destroy_event               (GtkWidget       *widget,
>                                         GdkEvent        *event,
>                                         gpointer         user_data)
> {
>   printf("Got destroy event, shutting down.\r\n");
>   gtk_main_quit();
>   return FALSE;
> }
> However, the Hello world 1 & 2 from the tutorial both work as they should.
> This pretty much leaves me back at square one.  I'll likely go bother
> the Linux server in a bit to see if the same code
> does the same thing there.
> -Elden Armbrust
> Elden Armbrust wrote:
> > David Necas (Yeti) wrote:
> >> On Fri, Mar 24, 2006 at 04:04:53PM -0500, Elden Armbrust wrote:
> >>
> >>>> When exiting out of a program written in C using GTK+ 2.8.15, the
> >>>> process does not end (ever) but the window does close.
> >>>>
> >>
> >> That is correct.  Gtk+ does not terminate applications just
> >> because some of their windows was closed.  So the program
> >> continues to run normally, it just do not display any
> >> window now.
> >>
> >> You need to connect to the "destroy" signal of the window
> >> and do gtk_main_quit() (which makes gtk_main() return) in
> >> the callback.  See the tutorial, section Getting started.
> >>
> >> Yeti
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> That's enough.
> >
> > I had to laugh at myself for failing to realize that I had to do that
> > in glade (if i planned to use glade, that is) if I wanted it to be
> > done the "glade way".
> > With that said, everything is working fine now, thank you very much.
> > On another note, my gtk-wimp question still stands.
> > Hopefully some kind soul knowledgeable about it can point me in the
> > right direction.
> >
> > -Elden Armbrust
> >
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