On Sun, Oct 01, 2006 at 06:24:05AM -0400, Freddie Unpenstein wrote:

> > Normally, I use gtk_widget_show_all() on the main window once it's
> > fully constructed, to bring everything to life. But how does that
> > work, if you want to leave a widget or two hidden?
> See gtk_widget_set_no_show_all().

Damn.  Missed that one...  Burried in there down towards the bottom.

" Sets the "no_show_all" property, which determines whether calls to 
gtk_widget_show_all() and gtk_widget_hide_all() will affect this widget. "

It doesn't actually state, though, whether it show_all() will still recurse 
into a no_show_all()'d container...  I'd assume not, but it'd probably be 
better if it actually said so.

With that, then, I'm guessing show_all() doesn't care whether a widget is 
already shown or not, and will in fact continue to show children of a visible 

Something to stash away in my swiss cheese brain for a rainy day...  :)


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