I am interested in information comparing using GTK+,
Tcl/Tk, Qt, wxWidgets for writing GUI apps.  A
potential rewrite of a Tcl/Tk app. is under
consideration. This app is to be supported on
Unix/Linux and Window XP platforms.  This app
presently peforms some 2d drawing with user
interaction from within Tcl/Tk  and some 3d drawing
with user interaction using a VTK/Tcl/Tk combination. 
Some of the enhancements that would be added would
benifit more if executed in a compiled language.  I
have used SWIG a little in the past to pass some
information back and forth between a Tcl/Tk interface
to a compile source, but is a "headache" i'd prefer
not to deal with.  Personally, my preference is the
GTK+/GtkGLExt/OpenGL route as I have done some small
app this way before.  Its just that, I would need make
a convincing argument to go from the Tcl/Tk/Vtk route.
 I'm not familar with using VTK and have no experience
with Qt or wxWidgets.  Is it possible to use VTK to
inside a GTK+ app?  Inputs from this app would be used
to create appropriate data files that would be used by
other executables that would be initiated and
monitored by this app.

So overall I am interested in advantages and
disadvantages between the various GUI API's.

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