On Tue, Apr 24, 2007 at 10:02:19PM +0100, Adam Tertial wrote:
> I'm wondering if a signal is emitted when a user
> changes the font, tab width etc in a
> GtkSourceView/GtkTextView object.
> Any ideas?

GtkTextView does not provide any controls to change font,
tab positions, etc.  Therefore the user has to use something
else to change them.  And this something else has to emit
some signal otherwise no one would notice the user is
attempting to change them.  If connecting to this something
else's signals is no option because you do not want to care
what caused the change, then there are no specific `user'
changes, all changes can be treated as programmatic.
GtkSourceView has "tab-width" property, GtkTextView has
"tabs" property, font changes occur as tag applications
(emitting "tag-apply"), or probably by other means in
GtkSourceView (I don't use it), but these should emit
corresponding signals too.


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