On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 10:46 AM, Brian J. Tarricone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> > for example: if i develop with gtk 2.12 (but i can do the same
> > reasoning with any other library) how can i do to know if i used (or
> > not) new functions/classes introduced on that version? (of course
> > without look inside library documentation for every function/class
> > that i used)
> That's pretty much the only way to do it, looking through the
> documentation.  If you really want to target a specific minimum version
> (say, 2.8), then you should develop against that version.

The autopackage project (www.autopackage.org) distributes a set of OLD gtk
headers/linklibs (I think 2.4, or 2.6 ones), suited to develop GTK+ apps
that runs on the vast majority of linux distro actually deployed.

Linking to them also remove the dependency from cairo. This is important
because if you link to a recent version of GTK (2.8+) also if you take care
to use only 2.0 apis you'll give your program an implicit dependency from

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