-------- Original Message --------
Subject: support gtk+ about zoom in a widget
From: 呉永 <w...@shcore.com.cn>
To: gtk-app-devel-list@gnome.org
Date: 03/16/2009 08:23 PM

First, I want to zoom in a window just like when
we use IE browser,sometime we can't  see the web page clearly,
so we will use [Ctrl]+[mouse wheel] keys to zoom the page in, in that
case we can see the web page clearly!   please tell me how to do that
in gtk!

You will need to setup a GDK keypress event signal on the widget you wish to zoom on. Then you'll need to write code that will do the zooming when the key presses you want are pressed. A.K.A. when the signal is called.
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