On Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 3:27 PM, Jim George<jimgeo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm writing a program that, like gimp, has a control window, from
> which users can open one or more viewer windows that present different
> aspects of a data set (it's a weather radar display program). The
> sub-windows are identical, and I'm using libglade and glade-3 to do
> the interface layouts. Currently, I call glade_xml_new each time I
> want to create a new window. Is there a better way, which prevents
> libglade from having to parse the XML each time?

Sure, you can build the dialog at startup time or on demand
the first time, but just hide it and show it on demand.

> Also, I'm interested in moving to GtkBuilder. Do I use different xml
> files for each window and create a new GtkBuilder object for each new
> viewer window, or is there a smarter way?

GtkBuilder works pretty much the same way, but GTK+ now inherits the
parsing code, so you cannot build a GTK+ interface from a GtkBuilder
format file without running the actual parsing code from the widgets
(which I guess is one thing libglade provides that GtkBuilder does not;
the ability to compile the glade file into a binary and completely
replace the parser).

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