On Thu, 19 Nov 2009 22:11:18 +0100
"Till Harbaum / Lists" <li...@harbaum.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> i am trying to run a text mode application in the background of my
> gtk one and display its output in a textview. I know this is supposed
> to be done using g_spawn_async_with_pipes and then link to the output
> via g_io_add_watch. I even got something that sort of works, but the
> output is very much delayed and comes in chunks and worse, the CPU
> load is at max while and after i run my code.
> Are there any examples for doing this? There must be many programs
> doing something similar to run e.g. some little helper program or
> similar. 

You generally won't get away with forking after the gtk+ main loop is
running.  You should fork before the main loop is running, and if you
cannot do that start a new thread to fork from.

If you do the latter on a POSIX (unix-like) system you must only call
async-signal-safe functions between the fork and the exec*.  If you are
using windows, I do not know what the restraints are.


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