
Using Python and PyGTK I've got a GtkMenu with various GtkCheckMenuItems
in it. When the user clicks one of the checkboxes the menu closes. I'd
like for the user to be able to check a series of checkboxes without the
menu closing each time.

I've looked at using the activate callback to show the menu but I can't
figure a way to make this work. I've tried various things including having
the following in the "activate" event callback function:

    menu.popup(None, None, None, 1, gtk.get_current_event_time())

This is the code I use to show the menu when the trayicon is clicked but
in this instance it doesn't show.  In addition I've tried passing in my
own function to set the menu position to, for example, (100,100) but this
has not been successful.

Any suggestions?

Many thanks,
David Salisbury

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