On Sun, 7 Nov 2010, Tor Lillqvist wrote:

no one ever wants to volunteer to help.

Actually, that is not true. For instance, the ms-windows theme engine
is now effectively maintained once again and compiles and maybe even
works in gtk+ master. And for bulding the GTK+ stack for Windows (32-
and 64-bit), I very much plan to stop doing it myself "manually"
eventually, and instead just make use of the great work done by my
colleague Fridrich ÿÿtrba who has set up cross-compilation of a lot of
stuff (including the GTK+ stack) in the openSUSE Build Service (OBS).
The Windows binaries etc in OBS are very usable already, the only
slight problem is that they are found inside "noarch" RPM archives.
(But at least 7zip handles RPM archives fine, I am told. For instance,
the GIMP installer uses GTK+ stack binaries from OBS.

What annoyes me is that plenty of people are doing that, and there is no central repository for dependencies. On 32bits, there is more or less gnuwin32, but you propose also your packages on the gtk site and i'm sure kde guys are doing that too.

I fear that it will be the same for 64bits packages. I know 4 places where there are packages built with the mingw-w64 compiler and there might be more.

What about joining forces and make one unique official repository for packages on Windows ?

Vincent Torri
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

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