On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 03:50:46PM +0200, Michal Suchanek wrote:
> I have a list which I want to display in two treeviews and prevent
> selecting the same item in both.
> The idea is that the user selects an item in the first list, then the
> second list is shown, and it should not contain the item selected in
> the first list (or the item should be inactive or whatever).
> I tried using a model filter to this end. It has an option to set
> custom filter callback and in this callback I fetch the selection of
> the first list (if any) and return false if the filtered item is the
> same as selected.

I would just render the item as inactive using cell renderer's
"sensitive" property and prevent it from being selected using
gtk_tree_selection_set_select_function().  You need to remember the
current selection but otherwise it is pretty cheap: if the selected row
changes only two rows have to receive "row-changed" to update the other
treeview: the previously selected one (becomes selectable) and the newly
selected one (becomes unselectable).  Also, depending on the application
this might be visually preferrable to appearing and disappearing rows.


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