>  http://download.gnome.org/sources/gtk+/2.24/
>  ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/gtk+/2.24/
> * Win32 updates:
>  Major update of the win32 backend, it now works
>  at least as well as the old 2.16.x version that
>  a lot of windows applications was forced to use
Anyone has a prebuilt package with all the dependencies like the 2.16 and
2.24.0 bundles available in the gtk.org website or a cross-build script to
build them through mingw32, I'd like to try my various win32 projects, all
stuck at 2.16.x, with 2.24.8 but I have no time frame at the moment to
build everything from scratch :(

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