Let's keep the e-mails on the list, please.  You can CC both me and the
list if you'd like, but replying just to the list is sufficient and I
will see it as will any number of other people that want to help.

On 12/22/2011 01:03 AM, Gary Kline wrote:
>>> and fopen some file and display the text in the buffer.  The   
>>> question remains: how? what am i missing to display some
>>> miscellaneous words in the text window?
> you're right.  i do not want to type anything into the text file.
> instead, i want to fork gvim and use thaat to type into.  it     
> seems likely to work if i can have buttons in the textfile.

Buttons in the textfile?  I know you don't want to type anything in a
text file.  What in the example I showed you was typing in a text file?

Not quite sure what you are trying to do with vim, but if I understand
it at all, what you are describing is not using fopen (as you stated
before).  popen maybe.  If you'd clearly communicate what you are trying
to do that would help greatly.  Since you don't seem to understand GTK+
that well, perhaps you should communicate your needs without using GTK+
terms and objects.  In other words, instead of trying to describe how
you would do it with your understanding of GTK+, just describe what you
want in overall, non-GTK+ terms.

So with that in mind what I understand you need is to be able to
interactively run vim, be able to send vim keystrokes, and display it's
output in a window.  Is this correct?  If not, then nothing I say will
be of any help to you in this e-mail.

My gut feeling is that you are barking up the wrong tree.  What you are
trying to do is possible in plain GTK+ but it's not a matter of simply
writing text to a TextView.  You need to implement a Linux PTY (pseudo
terminal) that vim can run in, and then implement some form of terminal

If you want to run an external command like vim (which requires a PTY)
and drive it from GTK+, you really ought to look at the "vte" widget
(http://developer.gnome.org/vte/).  This implements a complete terminal
emulator and PTY handling in a GTK+ widget.  You can use it to run vim
(directly), and send it keystrokes and have it displayed in a window.
You can use the vte_feed_child() method call to feed vim keystrokes.
The output of course is automatically displayed in the window.

> two things: the zetcode examples`seem to work better in the windows
> world than in linux.  i have already tried some of their examples.

I highly doubt that the examples work better in windows than Linux.
You've tried the examples and what happened?

> also, i am getting closer to doing what i am trying t o do. how
> close? dunno.

Since I don't really know what you are trying to do I'll take your word
for it.
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