thanks to  a great amount of help from this list , my "let the
computer speak for the speech-impaired" [AKA "VBC"] is making good
progress.  in fact, my "Options" pop-up from the menubar is almost 
ready for integration.  but i still  want it to look like the 
program 'gespeaker'---meaning that i want to set, say, "Pitch" to
17, "Speed" to 100", "Speed" in words/minute to a nice, slow 190. and 
the "Delay" in 10ths of a second between words to 2 or 3.  

i have experimented with people who suffer from a hearing loss and
some whose native language is not English, &c.   so: better to
default to a slower rate.  i want to know how to have gtk draw that
orange line from 0  to  my default starting point. gespeaker
presents a good example.  i haven't found the magic google  term[s]
to  find what gtk command i need.  can any of you help?

thanks in advance,


 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
     Voice By Computer (for Universal Access): http:/
          The 8.57a release of Jottings:
             Twenty-five years of service to the Unix community.

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