I'm not sure, at least in my system, because in my keyboard mapping
(french) AltGr is used for special characters. These characters works
well in Gtk::TextView or Gtk::Entry, which mean correct value is
passed by Gtk, which means correct modifier is identified by Gtk.

It seems either the problem appears only with accelerators, either I
don't use the correct work key in accelmap file... (I tried <AltGr>,
<AltGraph>, <Mod1>...<Mod5>)

2012/6/20, Emmanuel Thomas-Maurin <manutm...@gmail.com>:
> I may be wrong but it seems AltGr is not included in gdkkeysyms.h
> so it's probably ignored by GTK.
> On 06/20/2012 02:59 PM, drkmkzs wrote:
>> You mean the altgr key is interpreted as alt key ?
>> In my tests, the <Alt> key is well recognized.
>> -in my accelMap file I put
>> <Alt>M
>> -in my Gtk menu, I can see next to the action
>> <Alt>M
>> But altgr is not
>> -in my accelMap :
>> <AltGr>M (I tried <AltGraph> but behaves the same)
>> -in my Gtk menu, I can see
>> M (the modificator has been removed)
>> It seems AltGr, as the Windows key, can be sometimes skipped or ignore
>> depending on OS (i'm on Suse 10.3) or locale....
>> Maybe better to ignore these keys ;)
>> 2012/6/20, Olivier Sessink <oliviersess...@gmail.com>:
>>> after a bit of testing, it seems to me that the altgr key advertises
>>> itself just as <alt> to gtk...
>>> Olivier
>>> 2012/6/19 drkmkzs <drkm...@gmail.com>:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I'm using a gtk application with an accelmap file. All shortcuts with
>>>> Control, Shift, or Alt are currently available.
>>>> But if I want to add some shortcuts with AltGr key (key on the right
>>>> of the spacebar) it doesn't work (I think i'm not using the good
>>>> syntax in the accelmap because in the application menu, the modifier
>>>> is skipped)
>>>> For control, it's <Control>p
>>>> For alt, it's <Alt>p
>>>> So I try <AltGr>p, but it doesn't work.
>>>> Somebody could tell me which keyword I have to use in my Accelmap for
>>>> a shortcut using AltGr key ?
>>>> Thanks a lot,
>>>> Jean
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> Emmanuel Thomas-Maurin  <manutm...@gmail.com>
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