On Sun, Dec 09, 2012 at 12:57:43AM +1300, Perdie Perduta wrote:
> Using glade with GtkBuilder to create my application GUI. I'm
> developing & testing on Windows 7 using Microsoft C++.
> Trying to add a "record" button to my menu bar. Note: Ideally I would
> have liked a nice red record button that lights up while my
> application is recording, however just to get it working I put in
> GtkCheckMenuItem.
> It is all working but inexplicably I have to click my GtkCheckMenuItem
> *twice* to for each toggle. Is this a known common mistake?
> Any advice or reference to previous thread on the subject would be 
> appreciated.

Adding *buttons* to *menubars* is certainly very odd.  It may be that to
activate the button the menu item must get focus first, hence the two

My advice is to use a toolbar instead.  It seems to fit what you are
trying to do better and you can have tool items that act like plain
buttons, toggles, radio button, that pop up menus, etc.


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