On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 6:46 PM, John Coppens <j...@jcoppens.com> wrote:
> I would like to make DArea full-screen, if possible even hiding the
> window borders.

gtk_window_fullscreen() will ask the window manager to fullscreen the
window, which should work as expected on most commonly used WMs.

The canonical way of adjusting your UI according to the fullscreen
state is to connect to the window's 'window-state-event' signal and
adjust the visibility of elements according to the new state.

> Is the only way to do that, hiding the VBox with the
> Menu, Treevw1 etc, then unhiding DArea?

No, DArea will not be visible if its parent is hidden. You will need
to show/hide Menu, Treevw1, ... explicitly.
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