Il Mon, 23 Dec 2013 22:19:28 -0800 "A. Walton" <> scrisse:

> Frankly I don't see what's wrong with making it instant apply from the
> description. Connect to the GtkEditable::changed signal, throw in a short
> timeout that gets reset any time someone changes the field. If they have
> stopped changing the field for more than some amount of time, say half a
> second, then "commit the change" - do whatever you have to do with it
> (validate it, send it to a server, write it to a file, etc.)

This is an excerpt directly taken from the doc you are pointing out:

"Do not attempt to validate or apply changes caused by editing a text
field control until the user has moved focus to a different control in
the window, or the window is closed. Validating after each keypress is
usually annoying and unnecessary. "

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